The Utility of Photobiomodulation as a Supplement to Orthobiologic Interventions A Contemporary Review

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William Hanney
Juan Rodriguez
Abigail Wilson
Carey Rothschild
Morey Kolber
Antonio Varela
Paul Salamh


photobiomodulation, low-level light therapy, low power laser irradiation


Several mechanisms may influence recovery and act as a complementary intervention to regenerative medicine. One area of consideration that may improve clinical outcomes in patients receiving regenerative medicine treatments is the utilization of supplementary interventions referred to as regenerative rehabilitation. One such intervention may be the use of light therapy also known as photobiomodulation (PBM). Terms synonymous with PBM include low-level light therapy (LLLT), low-power laser irradiation or cold laser. As a musculoskeletal intervention, PBM is administered via a mechanism that creates light through optical amplification. These interventions describe a form of PBM or light therapy that uses specific param-eters to target tissues through direct or indirect contact with or without heat or structural tissue alterations. PBM may improve treatment outcomes based on synergistic effects that are thought to modulate inflammation and facilitate cellular repair. This manuscript provides an overview of the current evidence supporting the use of PBM as a complementary intervention to regenerative medicine with a focus on managing conditions related to the musculoskeletal system.

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