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Joshua Martin
Selorm Takyi


musculoskeletal conditions, occupational/industrial injuries, pain, micro-fragmented adipose tissue, rotator cuff tear


This is the case of a 42-year-old right-handed male truck cargo mechanic who suffered a rotator cuff (RTC) tear of his right shoulder after a slip and fall while at work. An MRI of the shoulder demonstrated supra-spinatus and infraspinatus tendon tears. After a trial of 4 months of nonoperative treatment, he underwent arthroscopic repair of his RTC. Postoperatively, he completed a course of physical therapy (PT) and a work conditioning program. Unfortunately, he had ongoing pain, limitations in range of motion (ROM), and functional limitations, which prevented him from returning to work. A repeat MRI demonstrated a retear of supraspinatus and infraspinatus tendons. After consulting with the author, he underwent a micro-fragmented adipose tissue injection under ultrasound guidance into the involved tendons. After 4 weeks of additional PT, he was noted to have full, pain-free ROM with normal strength and was able to return to his full work duties, including overhead lifting without restrictions.

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