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Benjamin Rawson
David Harris
Harrison Torres


Platelet lysate; Platelet releaseate; PRP


Introduction: Platelets play an important role in numerous physiologic processes through the release of bioactive proteins and growth factors contained in the α granules. These proteins can be collected after physical and chemical processes stimulate their release from platelets. After filtration, this solution contains concentrated growth factors and is then referred to as platelet lysate (PL). Among the several methods used to produce PL, no method has been established as superior in producing the highest concentration of growth factors. This study evaluated six methods of producing PL including CaCl2, freeze-thaw methods at −80˚ C and at −40˚ C, ozone exposure, USb, and USp, along with an “un-activated” Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) sample served as a control. Our goal was to evaluate each sample to determine which method produced the
highest concentration of growth factors.

Methods: PRP was produced from whole blood and subsequently divided into seven samples. One sample served as a control while the other six were used to produce PL by different methods, including ultrasonic probe homogenization, ultrasonic bath homogenization, freeze-thaw at −80˚ C, freeze-thaw at −40˚ C, addition of calcium chloride, and ozone administration.

Outcome measures: The concentration of six growth factors were measured using digital enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay from the produced samples.

Results: PL produced by ultrasonic bath produced the highest concentrations of BDNF, EGF HB-EGF, PDGF-BB, and Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF). PL produced by ultrasonic probe produced the highest concentration of IL-1 RA. The concentration of growth factors produced by the ultrasonic bath and probe methods did not differ significantly. The growth factors found in the freeze-thaw methods did not statistically differ from control. Ozone was the least effective at releasing measurable growth factors from PRP. The calcium chloride method resulted in a clotted sample which inhibited growth factor analysis.

Conclusion: The results of this study support the effectiveness of ultrasound homogenization in releasing growth factors from PRP over other current activation methods.

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