Frontiers in Safety and Efficacy: Introduction

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Stephen J. Roman
Scott Rodeo
William D Murrell


musculoskeletal, cost, aging population, orthobiologic therapies


There are increasing numbers of people suffering with osteoarthritis and other musculoskeletal disorders. Current treatments for these conditions have significant side effects and comorbidities. Surgery in some cases may be inappropriate or ineffective. The use of regenerative medicine in the form of orthobiologics has been growing. The purpose of these treatments is to treat pain and to possibly enhance the healing of tissue pathology by augmenting the body’s inherent healing capabilities. Orthobiologic products commonly used include platelet rich plasma, adipose and bone marrow derived cellular products and birth tissue products. This review of the current medical literature has been prepared to provide evidence-based information to patients, clinicians, researchers, and regulatory and payer organizations with regard to the safety, efficacy, and cost effectiveness of orthobiologic treatments.  


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