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Morey Kolber
Joseph Purita
William J. Hanney


physiotherapy, rehabiitation, exercise, osteoarthritis


Patients with musculoskeletal disorders who are recalcitrant to formal rehabilitation may seek non-surgical interventions such as orthobiologics. The care pathway following an orthobiologic procedure may include but is not limited to ancillary modalities, supplements, booster injections, and formal rehabilitation. In some cases, the decision to pursue post-procedural rehabilitation may be questioned due to a paucity of evi-dence supporting efficacy and safety following orthobiologic procedures. Moreover, patients and physicians may possess a level of uncertainty in pursuing an intervention that may have been previously unsuccessful. Although higher-level evidence does not exist to support routine post-procedural rehabilitation, a body of evidence supports enhanced physical functioning as well as cellular and molecular effects synergistic to orthobiologics. Given the potential benefits of post-procedural rehabilitation, there would seem to be little downside to participation, provided that the physician and rehabilitation specialist consider individual patient characteristics such as the current pathoanatomical diagnosis, stage of acuity, and pre-morbid activity levels.

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